Passing on Your TrueWealth℠

Give them what really matters – Your TrueWealth(SM)

As a profession, we estate planners have pretended that “how you take care of your family when you’re gone” is to sign estate planning documents and pass on your assets. Over 30 years’ practice our founder, Catherine Hammond, has learned that’s simply not true.

What is it you care most about? We are confident it’s not your house, your business, or your bank account. It’s your people. As you plan for the future, while your assets are important, the wellbeing you want for your loved ones won’t come through leaving your money, your house, or your carefully curated art collection and tools. It certainly won’t come through money or assets left without a solid context.

The question is this: have you done enough to truly take care of your family when you’re gone? When you’re gone, what your family will long for is more of you. What have you done so far to leave what matters most to them?

Leaving behind your financial capital without your human capital will leave your loved ones wanting – and needing – more. Without your curated human capital, your loved ones may not know or remember how much you love them. The money you worked hard for may not last as long as you’d hoped (70% of family wealth is gone by the 2nd generation, and 90% disappears by the 3rd). The legacy you get one chance to leave may not be quite what you want it to be. The family history that is so grounding and important to know may be lost along with your money.

Catherine Hammond, Founder of Hammond Law Group and The TrueWealth (SM) Legacy Program. Passing on Your TrueWealth℠

Catherine has spent the last year creating tools and a system to help you pass not only your financial capital but also your human capital: your wisdom, values, and life experiences, curated in a way that makes them helpful to your loved ones long after you’re gone, and expressed in ways that will last for generations. This is what we call your TrueWealth℠.

Join us in January 2025 to cultivate your human capital and pass it on, alongside your financial capital. Over four months, Catherine will be leading a group through this process. By April you’ll have cultivated, tangible stories, wisdom, life lessons, personal letters, audio and/or video recordings, and more to gift your family when you’re gone.

These tangible expressions of your love will last long after your money is gone. And this process is so much more than that. This is an invitation to step into the fullness of your role as an elder and ancestor, no matter your age.



The TrueWealth Legacy Program – January 2025


Not sure if this program is for you?

Want to learn more about Passing on Your TrueWealth℠?

Schedule a 30 minute conversation with Catherine


Group Journey Features:

  • 4-month program led by Catherine Hammond
    • Complete, guided system to cultivate and pass on your human capital
    • Two-hour initial immersion
    • Seven group workshops (2x/month) to guide and support you
    • Community discussion through Mighty Networks
    • Guided exercises for each step in the process
    • Ongoing communication between sessions
    • Bonus session on incorporating your TrueWealth into your estate plan
  • Expert guidance drawing out and cultivating your stories & wisdom
  • Enjoy where you’ve been and who you’ve become with new eyes
  • Leave your wisdom, values, and key stories in a tangible way to be cherished for generations

Part I: Cultivate (Months 1-2)

  • Receive your TrueWealth Family Legacy℠ Binder
  • Map out and reflect on the life you’ve lived
  • Re-member your core stories and lessons
  • Identify the core values that have carried you through life
  • Gain clarity on your deepest whys for living and for leaving wealth to loved ones
  • Cultivate the core values, stories, and messages you want to pass on
  • Create a Legacy Statement that captures your essence for future generations

Part II: Create (Months 3-4)

  • Put your TrueWealth into tangible form through your chosen combination of written documents, individual family letters, videos, audio recordings, art, priceless personal stories, and mementos (some will be completed, some will be calendared)
  • Communicate what’s most important with your loved ones, in writing, audio, and/or video
  • Opportunity for loved ones to share with you what you mean to them
  • Complete remaining sections in your TrueWealth Family Legacy℠ Binder
  • Review your life and relationships, identify what’s incomplete, and create a plan
  • Initiation Into Elderhood

Tangible Outcomes

  • TrueWealth Family Legacy℠ Binder including
    • Life Map & Inventory
    • Key Stories & Lessons
    • Legacy Statement (how you want to live while you’re here based on what’s complete and incomplete in self/family/world)
    • Values Statement
    • Mining Your TrueWealth (identification of your deepest wisdom)
    • Stories & information related mementos special to you and your family (e.g., mom’s army chest from WWII, otherwise loses meaning in generational transfer)
  • Book of Wisdom: your key lessons and principles, with personalized stories to illustrate
  • Family Legacy Letter: document expressing your core memories, experiences, beliefs, values, and principles, the key document you will pass through the generations to come
  • Individual Legacy Letters: expressing your love and future wishes to individual loved ones
    • Leave with estate plan or give now to deepen relationships
    • Optional: future generations/unborn
  • Video and/or audio recordings of you talking about what’s most important, saved electronically
  • Family Legacy Conversation Agenda & Guidelines: Opportunity to talk about the important things with your loved ones
  • Instructions for Special Occasion Letters: Letters for your children and/or grandchildren to open at certain occasions (high school or college graduation, first “real” job, wedding, birth of first child, etc.)
  • Protection of your wealth from the biggest danger there is: inexperienced hands
  • Letters from Your Loved Ones: Catherine invites your loved ones to write a letter expressing their love to you now, rather than waiting until your funeral to share their appreciation & love
  • Family Stories & Heritage: Written record of known family stories
  • Parental Wisdom: Guidelines and questions to capture wisdom from your living parents while you can​

    Bonus benefit

    • Discover what’s currently unfinished in your life and relationships, giving yourself an opportunity to arrive at the end of life feeling complete … no deathbed regrets!


    Investment: $2495